Dinosaur Pattern

Patterns with step by step instructions

These patterns have step-by-step instructions for you to make your own professional-looking puppets without paying the tremendous prices. These are for stage-size puppets for older children or adults to use to teach scripture and God’s design.

Skill level; Intermediate

One homeschool mom, who normally makes simple garments, did make a dinosaur following the pattern and says, ”It is doable.” However, if all you have ever made is a pillowcase, you will probably need to recruit help. I can and will communicate with someone if assistance is needed. However, if you are concerned about making one or don’t have the time, see the READY MADE section to purchase a dandy Dino or a lovable cow or ox!

Supplies Needed:

Sewing machine, regular sewing supplies, preferably soft upholstery fabric for dinosaurs, some polyester stuffing, some fleece for the mouth, and time!

This pattern makes four different dinosaurs. Two are sauropods, one with a more wrinkly head, as the pink one here. The spotted one is a different view, with different eye area treatment for you to create. There are two other very unique dinosaurs. All of these are made approximately 17 – 20 inches long and come down below the elbow.

Performance without a stage is often done with this type. You simply load it on your hand out of sight and come into view with an animal ready to perform.

Miss Fitz Sez: So you are unhappy with a friend who you think is being hard-headed about an issue. Here’s a thought: Tell them they are acting like a Pachycephalosaurus, which means “thickheaded lizard”. No, maybe you shouldn’t do that!

But now you know the name of the dinosaur that is view C on the pattern! We call her Hilda, with the helmet. These dinosaurs that have been found seem to have a double ridge of bone around the back of the head and some have a dome or helmet of bone even 9 inches thick on top of their heads. They’re not necessarily long-necked like the sauropod, so if you have less fabric, you can make the puppet shorter! Have fun with creating the “helmet effect” on this one! Think outside the box and create your own version. Remember, God is the only one who really knows what they looked like! In this picture, Hilda is the lower one.

Miss Fitz SEZ: Bonnie Pat! Bonnie who? View D of the Dinos is a play on words and a historical fact at the same time. Miss FitzSEZ: Notes of interest or a misfit from Miss Fitz! If you call her a Brontosaurus, she bonnie. If you call her an Apatosaurus, she is Patchwork Patty. It’s the same animal, and there was confusion about when Paleontologists named a “new” dinosaur a Brontosaurus, not knowing that they were “patching” together a wrong combination. They put the wrong head on a skeleton and named it. Later, they found out it was an Apatosaurus. So call her whichever you wish, it’s the same animal! For this view, you are actually creating patchwork pieces of your choice, large enough to then cut your pattern pieces. This view will take a little more skill.